
Short Stories

“And All the Fields Below,” Lightspeed (June 2023)

“Brightly, Undiminished,” Lightspeed (March 2021)

“Last Days at Rosewood House,” Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show (June/July 2019)

“A Bond as Deep as Starlit Seas,” Lightspeed (August 2018)

“This Side of Time,” Fantastic Stories of the Imagination (May 2015)

“Rocket Summer,” Flytrap (February 2014)

“Southside Gods,” Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show (August/September 2013)

“The Social Phobic’s Guide to Interior Design,” Flash Fiction Online (September 2013)

“Of Ash and Old Dreams,” Daily Science Fiction (July 2013)

“The Ballad of Marisol Brook,” Lightspeed (June 2013)

“Beholder,” Flash Fiction Online (February 2013)


“Forwarding Address,” Kaleidotrope (Autumn 2023)

“Tuesday, Late Commute,” Uncanny (July/August 2022)

“Bitch Moon,” Nightmare (July 2022)

“Biophilia,” Strange Horizons (June 9, 2022)

“The Secret Ingredient is Always the Same,” Fantasy Magazine (November 2020)

“Farmer’s Market, Post-Eviction,” Liminality (Autumn 2020)

“Hic Liber Femineo Corio Convestitus Est,” Dreams & Nightmares (September 2020)

“The Affairs of Beasts,” Star*Line (Spring 2020)

“The Thief,” Star*Line (Winter 2020)

“The Shipborn Manifesto,” Eye to the Telescope (January 2020)

“Cassandra at Last Call,” Liminality (Autumn 2019)

“Red Carpet,” Liminality (Summer 2019)

“Makeover,” Polu Texni (July 2018)

“The Florist Departs,” Star*Line (July 2013)


Sarah Grey’s short fiction has appeared in a number of publications, including LightspeedIntergalactic Medicine Show, and Flash Fiction Online, and have twice received an Honorable Mention in The Year’s Best Science Fiction. Her Rhysling-nominated poetry has been featured in Nightmare, Strange Horizons, Fantasy Magazine, Uncanny, Liminality, Dreams & Nightmares, and elsewhere. She has degrees in art history, medieval studies, and law, speaks multiple languages poorly, and enjoys world travel and roller skating. She lives in Northern California with her family and an excessive quantity of cats.